It seems that John Kerry, he of hanging chads fame, is to become Biden’s climate czar. I must admit that I had expected Al Gore to be the pick for this job but perhaps he is busy with other matters such as carbon futures trading. I assume that Kerry is well qualified for this position since I had heard rumors that Alexandria Ocasio—Cortez (AOC) with her outstanding qualifications was the prime candidate for this pick. Maybe she too is too busy with her global socialist revolution to be much bothered with being a Biden czar; who knows.
So what does a climate czar do? Since he’s a czar I suppose he will rule the climate with divine right; a bit like King Canute and his issue with the tide. I fully expect an edict that defies the climate to change in any way; no hotter, no colder, just peachy all the time. I also anticipate executive orders that direct us ordinary citizens to quit our cars, take the bus, and to use Amtrak rather than fly anywhere. These new rules will not apply to the Brahmins of the American aristocracy that rules us; they will continue to fly their private jets, drive in their chauffeured limousines, and generally emit their huge carbon footprints while using taxpayer’s money to pay for the offsets.John Kerry is a particular case in point. Married to Teresa Heinz an heir to the Heinz fortune, Kerry has a published net worth of over $250 million and has managed to amass 6 houses, 12 cars, 2 yachts, and a private jet. I suspect that despite his privilege he will admonish us commoners to slash our carbon footprint lest we increase the global temperatures by 0.1C over the next half-century.
Meanwhile, like all of his privileged class, he will continue to spew vast clouds of carbon dioxide into the air because he needs to. In this, he will mirror Lori Lightfoot, Mayor of Chicago, who during the COVID-19 pandemic demanded that the Chicago peasants stay home while she went to the beauty salon to get her hair done because she needed to look good in public. Nancy Pelosi was also notable for her trip to a hairdressing salon while under lockdown because she too needed to look her best. How she couldn’t find room to have her hair washed and blow-dried in her extensive mansion is yet to be explained. Just recently our Austin Mayor, Steve Adler, remonstrated with the residents he claims to represent to stay home to minimize the transmission of COVID. He made this plea from his holiday home in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, where he had flown in with seven of his acquaintances by private plane. He subsequently apologized for being so imperious.
As a generalization, the privileged class stayed asleep during science class or were busy conspiring how to get invited to the best parties. As such, their scientific knowledge is limited to what somebody told them. It appears that somebody told them that the world would come to an end because of global warming caused by an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide emitted from human activity. Those who might question this assertion are called ‘deniers’ and are treated less well than the objects of the Spanish Inquisition.
Look at the chart below. It shows the best estimate of global temperature by NOAA over the last 500 million years. Those who were not busy trying to date that hot cheerleader in high school might notice that the planet’s temperature is currently well below the average over that period. Those who were in the high school smart clique, more interested in getting laid than getting an education, will be wondering what a chart is and what ‘average’ means.
I think I hear the grinding of cranial gears. How about CO2 you may be thinking. Well here’s another one of those pesky chart thingies. You may again note that today’s temperatures are about as low as they have ever been. It’s also the case that atmospheric CO2 is about as low as it’s ever been. Worse, the CO2 trace doesn’t seem to match the temperature trace very well at all. There are times when CO2 is high but global temperatures are low and times when CO2 is low and global temperatures are high. How can this be?
I do not expect John Kerry or any other politician from the left to explain this anomaly. In their irrepressible pursuit of other people’s money to spend, I expect to get the usual calumny that 97% of scientists agree that Global Warming is man-made, caused by CO2 emissions.
When challenged they will claim that the computer models prove them correct.They remind me of the scene in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy when the Magratheans built the computer Deep Thought and challenged it to calculate the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. After 7.5 million Deep Thought responded with the answer; 42. I think that John Kerry is to be the head programmer and all the rest of the Biden team will be his acolytes and computer technicians.