3D Printing

I got myself a 3D printer for a Christmas gilt. Well actually, my wife bought it as a gilt but I specified the type and where to buy it from. Before you get all hissy, she specifies her jewelry gifts for me to buy for her so it is a two-way street. The printer...

Radio Sailing

One of my hobbies is sailing radio controlled model sailboats. I have always wanted to have a sailboat but family responsibilities, location, and a lack of cash prevented me from realizing this wish. I don’t have much relevant experience of sailing in a full-sized sailboat. Other than my happy days motor boating on Loch...

Comet Impact?

When I was a kid living in Scotland, I remember my dad getting us out of bed in the middle of the night to show us a comet in the sky out of our bedroom window. This occurred in the 1950s. The comet was easily visible with the naked eye and had a very...

Our Universe

Many people are curious about the universe they live in. Many of them are afraid to ask obvious questions in case they are accused of asking stupid questions. When it comes to matters of science there are no stupid questions; it’s the simple questions that reveal the most interesting findings. Here I want to...

Epidemic Vaccine

Before COVID there was polio, sometimes called infantile paralysis. First identified in the late 18th century it was not isolated as a virus until the early 20th century. Epidemics of polio were identified occurring in Europe in the late 19th century in the US in the early 20th century where it became one of...

John Kerry – Climate Czar

It seems that John Kerry, he of hanging chads fame, is to become Biden’s climate czar. I must admit that I had expected Al Gore to be the pick for this job but perhaps he is busy with other matters such as carbon futures trading. I assume that Kerry is well qualified for this...

How Quickly We Forget

The Friday morning before Thanksgiving week I jumped into the shower as usual and got cold shock; the water was at best tepid at its usual setting. I wondered if my wife had used up most of the hot water by surreptitiously doing a load of laundry or running the dishwasher before I got...

Unsung Women Scientists

There’s a current push to encourage girls to become better represented in the STEM studies; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. While I’m more than happy to see this encouragement I do hope it’s what the girls want to do and not herding them into areas they don’t prefer because of some political vision held...

About Me

I’m a retired physicist born and educated in Scotland; a naturalized US citizen living in Texas...Learn More

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